REQUEST A TRIAL We work with consultative and customized solutions for High-Risk Supplier Management, Due Diligence, and Background Check to support your company’s decisions. What is your plan for grounding decisions in high-risk compliance?


Enhance your KYC, KYE, and KYP automation flow by leveraging traditionally crafted, in-depth reports based on a risk-based approach.


Benefit from our extensive knowledge of national research criteria and a personalized, consultative approach.


Reduce the internal team’s time commitment for processing and analyzing automation tool results.


Adopt practices that foster trust, transparency, legal and regulatory compliance, and adherence to international standards.


Gain a competitive advantage by minimizing contractual disputes.


Stand out with judicial research conducted by legal experts who, through cognitive processes, categorize risks based on market experience and the risk framework defined in collaboration with the client.


Access consultative and customized options to complement your third-party and counterpart risk management strategy.


Align costs with your company’s strategy and process maturity.


Implement complementary controls to your high-volume strategy and obtain the necessary information to support decisions securely.


Expand your capacity to minimize risks in decision-making with stakeholders.

Focused directly on groups that pose high risks to the company. The reports can be tailored to align with the highest risk thresholds or serve as complementary tools to high-volume compliance automation programs, requiring greater levels of detail and cognitive analysis than traditional reports provide.

We work side by side with your company to deliver unique reports, combined with multidisciplinary expertise that enables the analysis of specific documents provided by the client, alongside the traditional research and report formulation methodology.

With a unique position built on over 10 years of accumulated experience, we produce reports that mitigate reputational, financial, criminal, conflict of interest, fraud, political, compliance, and other risks—serving Legal, Compliance, and Procurement Departments.