Supplier and Third-Party Risk Management – High Risk
Directly focused on groups that pose high risks to the company. The reports can be tailored to align with the highest risk thresholds or serve as complementary tools to high-volume compliance automation programs, addressing demands that require greater levels of detail and cognitive analysis provided by traditional reports.
The goal is to ensure the protection of the client’s tangible assets and intangible value, aiming to reduce and mitigate risks as much as possible in the relationship with suppliers or partners. This is achieved through a specific analysis of certain risk categories, which can be adapted to the client’s needs and structure.
Partner verification aims to safeguard your company’s image and reputation. Strategic verification can be performed for partners, suppliers, and relevant individuals or entities, whether physical or legal.
Supplier Risk Management Services
We work closely with your company to deliver unique reports, combining multidisciplinary expertise that enables the analysis of specific documents provided by the client with traditional research and report formulation methodologies.
The methodology applied to third parties ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and alignment with global risk management standards. Additionally, it is also recommended for companies with procedures requiring more complex and in-depth reports.
Investigative Due Diligence
Due Diligence includes a series of investigative activities aimed at providing relevant information about the subject being analyzed. This is done through extensive data collection that can be tailored to meet the client’s needs.
Due Diligence shapes the profile of the subject, even retrieving information that may have been concealed by the subject.
Due Diligence Global
Securely and efficiently, Due Diligence Global provides reports for clients needing international information.
In the current context, it is essential for companies, supported by legal provisions, due to the nature of job functions, or even those legally required, to have support for decision-making through the use of background checks.
We conduct a series of activities aimed at gathering and providing relevant information on financial, reputational, labor, legal, and other issues.
01. Wholesale and Retail
With intense competitive pressure on prices and involvement with counterparts, it’s vital for participants to have the knowledge to make more accurate decisions.
02. Healthcare
The complex regulatory environment and dynamic nature of the sector present opportunities to improve risk control with staff, third parties, and suppliers.
03. Recruitment
Our services assist recruitment agencies and internal departments with methods that minimize risks for employers.
04. Energy
If the challenge is increasing the reliability of information and minimizing risks with third parties, we are ready to drive results and strengthen compliance.
05. Financial Services
DF Checker offers tailored or pre-defined services to meet the compliance requirements of banks, insurance companies, and asset management firms.
06. Construction
The sector faces new compliance challenges, requiring greater responsibility and sustainability for construction and infrastructure businesses.
07. Consumer Goods
The adherence of other agents in the chain to internal standards and regulations provides direct and indirect competitive gains in operations. Contact us to learn how we can contribute to your operational environment.
08. Industrial Products
Empowering employees and suppliers to make secure decisions minimizes risks and brings benefits in reputation, compliance, and financial-cultural impacts.
09. Telecommunications and Technology
We operate with operational excellence and agility, offering essential information about counterparts in KYC, KYE, and KYP processes.
10. Infrastructure
We provide support in compliance and operational risk mitigation, promoting sustainability and compliance with best regulatory practices.